Top #3 Feminine Hygiene Products You Must Have! May 12, 2022Taaharah Holistic This is why you MUST have these top #3 feminine hygiene products from Taaharah Holistic! HERBAL YONI FOAM WASH Our plant based yoni foam wash is one of the...
Is Steaming Your Vagina Really A Harm or A Benefit?! May 07, 2022Taaharah Holistic Is steaming your vagina really a harm or a benefit? I want you ladies to sit and think about it and ask yourself "Am I educated on this matter to...
Summer's Approaching (Vaginal Care Tips) April 23, 2022Taaharah Holistic Are you ready for summer? Are you ready for the heat, the vacations and the endless cookouts? I know, I am. I mean girl, after these long two-years of the...
Help! I'm Tired of Itching Down There! April 19, 2022Taaharah Holistic Let me just start off by saying, most of us have experienced it sis... we all experienced it! Vaginal itching is the most uncomfortable, unpleasant feeling and even embarrassing when...
Irregular Menstrual Cycle?! March 27, 2022Taaharah Holistic One thing about us, is that our bodies go through a lot of precious changes! One of those changes is the menstrual cycle phase. It's pretty amazing to know our...
Indroduction To Holistic Gynecology Through Yoni Steaming March 19, 2022Taaharah Holistic and no ladies, before you proceed on reading this blog, I’m not saying stop going to your medical gynecologist. It’s important you still attend to your appointments so that...